"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, & the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people." - Karl Marx

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Ignorant Ass of The Day

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Ann Coulter

born December 8, 1961, New York City) is an American author, columnist, and pundit. She frequently appears on television, radio, and as a speaker at public and private events

I'll let this broad speak for herself

Particularly in response to the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks, Coulter has been notably critical of Arabs and Muslims. For example, in a column written on September 12, 2001, (a day after her friend, Barbara Olson, was killed in the attacks), she wrote,
"Airports scrupulously apply the same laughably ineffective airport harassment to Suzy Chapstick as to Muslim hijackers. It is preposterous to assume every passenger is a potential crazed homicidal maniac. We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones cheering and dancing right now. We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war."

Later, she advocated the use of racial profiling by airlines as a means to further target Arabs and Muslims in particular. She wrote in her column that she had reviewed the civil rights lawsuits against certain airlines to determine which airlines had subjected Arabs to the most, "egregious discrimination," so that she could fly only that airline. She also said that the airline should be bragging instead of denying any of the charges of discrimination brought against them. In an interview with the British Guardian newspaper, she quipped, "I think airlines ought to start advertising: 'We have the most civil rights lawsuits brought against us by Arabs.'" When asked what Muslims should do for travel, she responded that they, "could use flying carpets."

One comment that drew particularly harsh criticism, both from college student bloggers as well as fellow conservatives, was at a Conservative Political Action Conference, where she stated, "I think our motto should be, post-9-11: raghead talks tough, raghead faces consequences.

In her book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism, Coulter criticizes the four 9/11 widows known as the "Jersey Girls", writing that they abused their status as widows by acting as partisans to push for the 9/11 Commission, to harshly criticize the G.W. Bush administration and its security policies, and to campaign for presidential candidate John Kerry. The purportedly partisan activities of the, "Jersey Girls" have also been commented upon by other observers.

The reaction to Coulter's more recent comments from her book Godless invoked heated responses; In it Coulter wrote: These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzis. These self-obsessed women seemed genuinely unaware that 9/11 was an attack on our nation and acted as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them. ... I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much ... the Democrat ratpack gals endorsed John Kerry for president ... cutting campaign commercials... how do we know their husbands weren't planning to divorce these harpies? Now that their shelf life is dwindling, they'd better hurry up and appear in Playboy."

And to complete my point.......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stumbled upon your page and saw the video. A quick Google search of Vietnam and Canadian troops in fact shows Ann was correct and the interviewer was wrong. Ahh yes ignorance must be bliss huh? Don't let the facts get in the way when puking your opinions. Perhaps you might consider checking on your sources before spreading lies. Congratulations, you are now "Ignorant Ass of the Day"

10:38 a.m.

Blogger bliss27 said...


so you did a google search huh???

Wow good for you, moron......cause I'm still right and Ann Coulter is still an ignorant ass....and you as well apparently.

I think i'm going to have to post this comment on my main page because it just doesn't get stupider than this.

From Wikipedia.....the very first google search result for "Canada and the Vietnam War"

Canada and the Vietnam War
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Canada did not fight in the Vietnam War and diplomatically it was officially "non-belligerent"

so basically you either have no idea how to use the internets or this thing called "google" or you have your head so far up your ass you don't know which way you're facing.

bottom line: don't let facts get in the way of your opinions...er excuse me.....when puking your opinions.

Congratulations you are now "Ignorant Ass of the YEAR!"

1:21 p.m.


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